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Monday 18 February 2013

'History, Memory and Migration' (Palgrave 2012), co-edited by Irial Glynn and me, has been reviewed in the new journal Migration Studies:
"...Kleist and Glynn invite us to take the past seriously as a resource in struggles over incorporation."
"...when we see Irish rhetoric quickly moving back to more exclusive views of the nation once the anniversary of the famine has passed (Glynn, HMM: 183) or Australia adhere to the White Australia Policy despite civic memories (Kleist, HMM: 194), we may also need to ask under which political conditions alternative interpretations of the past can possibly start to impact policy or collective action. What is clear however, [...] is that we can no longer afford to neglect the migrant experience in approaching this and other questions related to the politics of memory."

Read the full review here.